Surfer SEO Reviews: Is It A Fit For Your Digital Marketing Business?

If you’re wondering if Surfer SEO is a fit for your digital marketing business in 2024, then you’re in luck.

Inside, we’ll be diving into all things SEO as well as how to utilize Surfer SEO for your business.

Ready to try it out at the best price?

Or browse the rest of the review, to learn about all the built in features inside this one of a kind tool.

What is Surfer?

Surfer SEO is a web based application that gives search engine optimization professionals an inside look at what changes and modifications to make to their web pages to rank in Google.

Surfer uses color coded and scoring grades to make SEO easier to read and understand the modifications needed based on what’s currently in the top of Google.

How Does Surfer SEO Work?

It’s actually pretty brilliant and there’s several tools inside Surfer that I use to start and scale SEO campaigns, but at it’s core – it’s a software that is based on observation.

It’s not something that looks at Google’s recommendations or what someone has said takes to rank.

It’s all industry specific to what people are doing that’s already ranking in the top of google.

Surfer will scan and analyze the top 20 results from Google, then compare your website to those giving you all the modifications to make to your site.

I can do this for SEO audits or Content Creation from scratch.

Does It Work in 2024?

A lot has been made about SEO in 2024 but the thing we like about Surfer more than any other tool is simple.

It’s not a push button solution or magical tactic that you wake up to endless riches.

That’s just hype that you hear from many of the push-button style software platforms just trying to make a sale.

Surfer is different as it gives you data based on what the results are showing in the top of the current rankings.

Key features of Surfer SEO:

The reason Surfer is getting praised by many SEO experts is the robust features.

  • Automated keyword research: This feature makes it easy to identify and analyze keywords related to your business, giving you an insight into which terms are being searched most often by your target audience. You can also compare search volumes between different countries or markets.
  • Optimize Your Content: With Surfer SEO, you can optimize content to match the structure of your competitors in terms of titles, headings, images and more. This will help you create higher-quality content that stands out among the competition.
  • Competitor Analysis: Surfer’s competitor analysis feature allows you to easily compare how your website stacks up against similar websites in terms of organic visibility and keyword rankings.

It gives you an insight into what your competitors are doing better than you and provides guidance on how to make improvements.

Benefits of using Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is an incredibly powerful tool for optimizing webpages for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. Here are some key benefits of using it:

  • Increased Visibility: By taking advantage of the features outlined above, you can create higher-quality content that stands out and helps you rank higher in SERPs.
  • Efficient Workflow: Surfer SEO streamlines the keyword research and optimization process, making it easier and faster to optimize content.
  • Competitive Edge: Surfer SEO’s competitor analysis feature allows you to easily track how your website is performing compared to similar websites.

This will give you an edge over the competition and help you stay one step ahead of them.Overall, if you’re looking for an all-in-one SEO solution, Surfer SEO is definitely worth considering! It has a wide range of features that make it easy to analyze keywords, optimize content structure and gain a competitive edge over other websites.

Who uses Surfer SEO

Surfer SEO is used by content creators, marketers, and webmasters around the world. It’s a great tool for anyone looking to optimize their website for higher visibility in SERPs.

Whether you’re a small business owner or a larger enterprise, Surfer SEO can help you get the most out of your SEO efforts.

If you’re looking for an all-in-one SEO solution that’s easy to use and provides helpful insights into how your website is performing compared to competitors giving you direct insights into what changes to make to your site.

An Inside Look at What Search Engines Look For

The thing about SEO is often it seems complex.

That’s where Surfer comes into play. It gives anyone the ability to see exactly why the search engines are positioning websites into the top 10.

It’s going to analyze a variety of factors including:

  • Word Count
  • Site and Page Speed
  • Internal Linking
  • Keyword Usage
  • Serp Similarity

Plus many other ranking factors.

It’s more than just a tool to analyze this data as Surfer comes with a variety of tools at your arsenal for helping you build SEO friendly content easier than other SEO tools.

Surfer Content Editor

The Surfer SEO Content Editor dashboard allows you to easily create SEO-friendly content with a drag and drop interface.

It helps you optimize your website’s content quickly, giving the search engines exactly what they’re looking for so that you can get higher rankings in SERPs.

Inside the content editor, you’re able to export directly into Google Docs.

Inside the editor, you’re able to construct blog post just like inside WordPress with a WYSIWYG editor.

The SEO tool will reference the key phrases, word count to use, number of headings along with images based on what’s already showing up inside the search engine Google.

Keyword Research tool

This tool is one of my favorite tools that Surfer has to offer.

It breaks everything down into content hubs based on the keyword you plug in.

We all know that the more content you create, the more Google views you as the authority source.

Surfer’s Keyword Research tool breaks this down so there’s no real thought on what to build your content on.

Inside this tool, you’ll see the search volume for the keywords and are able to reference the Content Editor screen inside this dashboard.

Integrating Surfer With Jasper

Jasper is a separate app that can create content using artificial intelligence.

The quality of Jasper articles are insanely good.

The process we use and many SEO pro’s use is simple.

We filter out our keywords using Surfer SEO.

Then we create the Content Editor and get the suggested headings and overall outline.

We then use Jasper.AI to fill in the gaps.

Surfer Support

Surfer also offers various resources and support options to help you get the most out of its features. They have an extensive knowledge base with step-by-step tutorials, a blog filled with helpful tips and tricks, and a dedicated customer support team that can answer any questions or provide assistance if needed.

In addition, there’s a very responsive Facebook group full of professional SEO experts willing to chime in to help you with your experience with Surfer.

How much is Surfer SEO Pricing?

There’s really 3 plans to pick from basing on what your needs are that we’ll explore so you’ll know the Surfer SEO cost before you get signed up.

Free Plan

This plan is free but is seriously restricted in terms of what you can do with the tool. It doesn’t come with any of the features of the Content Editor.

Basic Plan

This plan is $49 per month when purchased on the annual plan…

This gets you savings of 17%, otherwise the plan on a month to month is $59 per month.

It’s really the essential when considering signing up for Surfer.

It comes with 120 articles per year for the Content Editor.

And you can audit 240 articles per year.

It also comes with the ability to invite 1 team member.

The Pro Plan

This one is $99 per month when purchased annually and gives you more of everything.

360 Articles per year with the Content Editor

720 Pages Audits

With the ability to invite 3 team members.

The Business Plan

This plan is $199 per month when purchased annually and is more geared for digital marketing agencies with bigger teams.

Create 840 Articles

Audit 1680 Pages

With the ability to invite 10 team members.

Is Surfer SEO the best tool for updates?


The reason is simple.

It’s basing everything on the current algorithm instead of just giving you a random tactic.

It’s showing you everything you’ve wanted to see which is something I never had when I began SEO many years ago making it easy to justify the Surfer SEO pricing because it’s real data that you can’t get any other way.

Final Wrap Up

If you’re tired of wondering what to do next, tinkering with endless amounts of data and just wished you had almost like X-ray vision for what to do with your SEO, then Surfer is the best way to go.

Get 17% Off Surfer

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